Friday 16 April 2010

"They tried to get some extra funding, but ACE said no, No, NO!"

Alan Davey, Chief Executive of Arts Council England, recently addressed the Local Government Association's culture, tourism, and sport conference, and event which was also sponsored by ACE.

He urged local authorities to maintain their investment in the arts, but also admonished them--warning that the Arts Council could not afford to mitigate local cuts.

I recently met with Alan and ACE Chair Liz Forgan to discuss how fundraisers and consultants can work collaboratively to help ACE-funded organizations diversify their incomes, especially those which don't have robust fundraising programmes.

Despite our discussion, Davey's remarks ignored this - perpetuating the overdependence too many arts organisations have on government funding.

ACE and local government funding can be a piece of the pie, but let's continue to build the UK's 'culture of philanthropy,' at all income levels, so that no charity is too dependent on any one source.

A missed opportunity, Alan!

Rick Holland CFRE MInstF
Confident Philanthropy Ltd.

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